This Sunday from the upper east side I will ride a mountain bike to two locations. Packed in the bike's side saddle the antique 4 x 5 camera and I will venture to my first location at the Brooklyn Promenade. I will arrive at the first location by 7:45am to set up this unique piece of photographic equipment. At precisely 8:46am is when I expose the first shot. Why 8:46am? That's when the first plane hit the North Tower. After that shot is complete I then re-pack and ride to New Jersey City.
It has been over the last 5 years that I've been doing this project. It's interesting to see the progression of the city's skyline. One year there was the waterfall installations another year a modern silver twisting building was completed a different year a warehouse has been torn down.
The project will complete when the Freedom Tower is finished. Upon it's completion I plan to exhibit the complete body of work.
[caption id="attachment_800" align="aligncenter" width="590" caption="2010 View from New Jersey City"]

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